Wooden Boat Plans – How to Build a Wooden Boat

Since you’re reading this article, I’m sure that boats are also your cup of tea. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk about one thing that we love the most – boats. For over 25 years, I have established a small business of boat building. It started as a hobby of a boy who grew up with different vessels around him. Eventually, some of my friends observed the quality of my work and started asking me to build them one or at least give them some good wooden boat plans. Believe me; nothing beats the feeling of doing something that you like and earning at the same time.

My Humble Experience

I can humbly say that I have quite a substantial experience in constructing a wide variety of floating craft from scratch. Name it; I may have built if already before. However, as I go through every project, I realize one thing – boat plans are very important. No matter how experienced you are, you will always be prone to errors and small details. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to advertise my business. I am here to encourage you to build your own boat. It is always very rewarding having to ride a vessel that you have built yourself. You might say, “I don’t have any experience in making a boat.” Believe me; I’ve been there. However, this skill is not for experts only. Even newbies can put up their own as long as they have all the necessary tools and the right boat plans.

Wooden Boats – My First Love

Since I have done quite a lot of projects in the past, I have pretty much worked with a wide variety of materials. From the old school wood to the more sophisticated synthetic polymers, I’ve had my fair share of everything. However, if I need to choose among the materials that I’ve worked with, I will go back to the basics – wood. Not to be too sentimental about it, it the first material that I’ve used. I can still clearly remember how I built my very first wooden boat at the age of 17. During that time, we don’t have the too many options yet. If you’re in this situation, your creativity and ingenuity really come out. Looking back, I still can’t believe how amazing the final product was given that our resources are very limited. Truly, wood brings out the best in me.

Advantages of Using Wood

Some of you may ask, why use wood if there are other materials that you can work with? Well, here are some of the reasons that may convince you to stick with wood:

1. Customizable

Compared to fiberglass and plastic, it is easier to customize wood. For one, you need no fancy solvents and specialized tools to build it. In fact, a simple hammer, screws, and saw will do. Just imagine how you will make significant modification on a boat made of fiberglass? Aside from being tedious, it also needs tons of other materials that can be costly. With wood, your options are limitless.

2. Repairable

Of course, your boat will eventually need repairs. This is where using wood as your main materials is more advantageous. Wooden boats are essentially made of several channels or segments connected together. Hence, in cases of repairs, you can simply remove or repair the part that needs to be rectified instead of having to strip everything.

3. Durability

This may surprise you, but wood can compete with other materials when it comes to longevity. You may need a separate process to treat it to be insect and rot proof. However, once treatment is completed, you can sail all you want. In addition, woods offer an excellent structural property. Just a simple tip, you may use epoxy to protect the wood from starving creatures wanting to devour it.

Wooden Boat Plans

Now that we have established wood could be the perfect material for your first boat let’s go back to the most crucial thing that you will need in building one – a blueprint. For a boat plan to be effective, it must contain comprehensive step by step instructions. This will minimize the possibility of costly errors along the way. It will be a bonus if the boat plans that you acquire will include tutorial videos to explain every step best. I used to construct my boats alongside a tutorial video from experts in this field. If you’re asking what the best source of quality boat plans is, I only have one suggestion in mind – MyBoatPlans.com.

Why MyBoatPlans.com

MyBoatPlans.com is a product of over three decades of hard work of a master boat builder. The site offers over 500 detailed plans of a wide variety of vessels made of various materials including wood. What makes them a much better choice is the fact that they also offer over 40 boat building tutorial videos for a more detailed procedure. Furthermore, it also includes high definition photos that will serve as you guide every step of the way.

More Benefits at Very Low Cost

Did you know that they are also offering a CAD software package? This will allow you to tweak template designs and customize your own with just a few clicks. Did I mention you can get free updates of the product for life? To be honest, I’ve never come across an offer as tempting as this. To make their offer more irresistible, they are also providing a risk-free guarantee. Apparently, for whatever reasons that you don’t like the product, you can expect a full refund if you will return it within 60 days. You know what the best part of the deal is? You are getting all these benefits for as little as $17 per month. Undeniably, this is the best value that you can get for your money.

So what are you waiting for? The perfect time for you to try building your own wooden boats is not tomorrow but today. For quality wooden boat plans you can’t see elsewhere, go to MyBoatPlans.com. They have the widest selection of boat plans for you to choose from. Go to MyBoatPlans.com now!